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JRPGfan said:
Pemalite said:

Do you really think individuals who write signs that state: "COVID is a Lie" - Have the intellectual fortitude to comprehend their own idiotic hypocrisy?
No. No they do not. They are selfish idiots.

And most are probably Trump supporters as well considering Trump has tried to motivate people to protest with tweets like: "LIBERATE MINNESOTA!”

Looking at those signbords, what the hell is "dont be a snitch" supposed to mean?
Isnt that like when you rat on someone, breaking the law or doing something unlawfull? and tell on that person?

What has that got to do with the virus?

How can people be this stupid? it baffles the mind.

Maybe that's Chris Cuomo in the dinosaur suit.  He didn't take kindly to being called out for walking around outside while he was supposed to be in quarantine while infected with COVID-19.