Luxembourg just released it's newest numbers on Covid-19, and they're pretty great. 3007 patients have recovered already out of 3695, which means we're already on the way to beat the virus.
Sadly, again 2 persons died, bringing the tally to 85. That's about 2% of the normal deaths in a year in Luxembourg.
Additionally to the updated numbers, Luxembourg now came with entire sets of graphs and statistics. So, here you go, all the stats from Luxembourg in one go:
Numbers of infected vs recoveries
Deaths by age group. For the record, the average age is 83, the median age is 85.
Number of tests in total and number of positive tests, also in total up to each date.
Hospitalisations, first graph shows how many are in normal and how many in intensive care each day, while the second graph shows the number of new admissions versus the release of patients each day.
Finally, the current situation. Black is the number of total deaths, Red the number of ICU beds in use, Dark blue is the number of positive tests each day, while the light blue curve is the same, but with a 7 day moving average.
So yeah, hope you found that as interesting as I did.
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