Nautilus said:
Not stop quarantines per say, but have a better plan.No one here is suggesting to just carry everything as if nothing is happening, but side effects of the medicine can't be worse than the disease itself.Isolate potential groups of risk, demand use of mask and alcohol gel in estabilishments, having a minimum space between people inside said estabilishments, demands that they decrease the number of persons in said place at the same time by half are just some ideas that manage to marriage nicely the idea of preventing people from getting the virus and not nuking the economy completely. I just want to point out how innacurate most projections have been thus far about the number od deaths/infected.You can say that it is because of the lockdown but I'm skeptical. |
And depending on the area I can see that being reasonable. Some countries can probably loosen the restrictions, some states can do so too, but the poster child for your view point I'd argue is the president of the United States and when he makes tweets about liberating Michigan (where I live), a state with the third most deaths from Corona in the nation, he can fuck right off. There are reasonable discussions to be had but "liberate Michigan" tweets aren't a part of it.