US Federal reopening pan is pretty good.
Phase 1: 14 days of decreasing cases and flu like illnesses needed to enter this phase.
1. Vulnerable people shelter in place.
2. 6ft social distancing
3. Avoid Large gathering and unessential travel
4. Employers should encourage return to work in phases.
5. Visits to senior centers banned
6. Gym can open with social distancing in place.
Phase 2: Another 14 day decline.
1. Vulnerable people shelter in place
2. 50 people gatherings and non essential travel can happen.
3. Schools, daycare, and camps can open.
4. Visits to senior centers banned.
Phase 3: Another 14 day decline.
1. Continue social distancing and hygienic practices
2. Senior centers can reopen to public visits.
3. Bars and restaurants can increase capacity.