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trunkswd said:
EricHiggin said:

Ya I actually like it. Both look better when together like that. Mind you, if XB fans aren't already pointing out the DualSense controller flattery, imagine if the console is that shape as well. PS fans will never hear the end of it, lol.

Here's another one I saw but didn't like it near as much, though it looks more like a legitimate design based on it's shape.

Ah yeah that second one is way too complicated. I'm glad the PS5 controller has more of an Xbox controller shape. IMO it will make it more comfortable to hold. 

Same here. I've always been a fan of the XB controllers. I was one of the only people I know who liked the Duke but I had bigger hands than most kids my age back then. The first 3 DS controllers were ok, but the DS4 was a really big improvement in terms of comfort. The DS5 looks even better. As for the stick placement, while I would say the XB layout is slightly better, the PS layout isn't a problem at all for me and works fine. The symmetrical sticks do make the controller visually look more pleasing I find.