NightlyPoe said:
Interesting that you've shifted put the burden of proof on me, even though I was the one asking for evidence of someone else's comment. Still, I'll answer.
Story was the same a couple weeks ago. This isn't new to today.
Actually, New York is holding up pretty well. The mortality rate there is only a little higher than the rest of the country. I was afraid things would get ugly, but so far, it's hopeful. |
bolded: That's because the US are 2-3 weeks behind. Coronavirus takes a while before it gets dangerous, the first 1-2 weeks it feels like a cough and only then it rapidly deteriorates. The US are at a point where most are still not deteriorated yet.
italic: It ain't new, but the virus only got a real hold in the US weeks after Europe. Take a look again at the curve and you'll see that European countries took off much earlier. That's why the US are weeks behind Europe in that regard, just compare the US to Italy in that regard. In Europe, the worst has passed, the number of new cases continues to drop. Not so for the US, for which the worst is yet to come, especially since there's no lockdown in many regions yet.
Also, I didn't shift the burden to you, you made a claim but didn't give any proof along with it, and I was asking for those proofs. Nice try shifting the burden of proof to me, but it's your duty if you claim something.
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