NightlyPoe said:
The analog stick is the default control option for 3D games. It's in the inferior secondary position. |
"Dominant default" is entirely subjective to how users learned to hold controllers. If people are comfortable with the placement of right stick used consistently for the majority of modern games which rely on camera aiming. Why would mirrored placing of the left stick be a problem. Also by this logic should the right stick and buttons be swapped since the generations biggest games rely more on camera control + shoulder buttons/trigger buttons more then face buttons?
People learn how to hold controllers differently which mean that even through user research, user bases will have different preferences. You'll be astonished by how some people hold controls (there is no right or wrong). Playstation has biggest user base, they should keep listening to that userbase and I would assume their user research did.
What is so wrong and uncomfortable about what the right hand is doing? If there is no problem, I'm not sure a symmetrical design is an inherent flaw versus a personal preference.
To me the only difference aside from your habit of how you're used to holding the control is if you prefer symmetry or no symmetry. I've had all consoles through generations, fortunately I've never had any annoyance jumping between symmetry/no symmetry. The biggest problem for the dualshock was poor quality thumbs sticks and they fixed that with DS4's revisions.
Anyway for people who hate the symmetry, hopefully is a third party control for that.
Last edited by Otter - on 08 April 2020