Well if I were dictator of the United States, what I'd do is, instead of paying all these massive businesses in non-essential fields to exist and not do anything during this time, I'd activate the Defense Production Act and have the government seize control of the means of production and redirect all non-essential production (essential production being that of stuff like food and such) to health care products like ventilators, masks, new hospital construction, vaccine research and development, that sort of thing. Whatever can be applied. Everything that's not a basic household staple becomes health care. And since it's being done by the government itself rather than on government orders, production would be streamlined and distributed according to actual need. None of this shit like you see now where the federal government producing masks and giving them to the private sector to then RE-sell to state governments at higher prices in bidding wars! Also, there would be a NATIONWIDE lockdown put in place immediately, no exceptions (and no religious exemptions).
As even the Trump Administration has now conceded, covid-19 is, even in the best case scenario, going to kill more Americans than World War 2 did. Think about that. That's the magnitude of this crisis. It should be treated with, at bare minimum, a World War 2 scale response in terms of social mobilization. Production for exchange has no role under these circumstances. It can only impede the efficient resolve of this crisis. Production for exchange MUST be replaced with production for use if we are to prevent millions from dying in this country alone. That's my take on what should be done.