jason1637 on 17 March 2020
We can now read the Imperial College report on COVID-19 that led to the extreme measures we've seen in the US this week. Read it; it's terrifying. I'll offer a summary in this thread; please correct me if I've gotten it wrong.https://t.co/AwE2cHIbeJ
— Jeremy C. Young (@jeremycyoung) March 17, 2020
I suggest everyone takes a look at this a lot of valuable information that many countries like the US are using for their response.
I found one bit really intriguing. The report says that with strict restrictions it should begin to peak in 3 weeks and in July the strict restrictions can be lifted for a month but need to be re implemented for 2 months and lifted for a month and implemented for 2 months again until a vaccine is widely available by years end or early 2021.