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padib said:
John2290 said:

What are they going to do when there is millions of people lining up for hospital beds and hundreds of thousands in need of an ICU, if not a million or two, or three depending on what infection rate you go by. Where are they going to pull the hospital staff from or the equipment, out their fucking arses? I'd facepalm if i wasn't trying to train myself in restraint on face touching. It's hundreds of thousands of dead and they'll likely have them in the most unmanagable way they could have set it out next to doing nothing. 

Why are you so agressive, we are discussing to the best of our knowledge and I did my best to share information coming from experts.

What part of what I posted is confusing you, we're talking about controlling a spread, not dealing with a mistake already made (that's a topic I didn't bring up and is another topic).

After the virus, we still have an issue to deal with and that is human hatred. No amount of doctors can help with that, we need to help each other.

Try to calm down, keep your hands beside your waists, and think before judging other people.

Immersiveunreality said:

That image of the matches,doctors that think it is comparable with the virus do not have a lot of knowledge of it.

It just is a random dumb facebooklike post for the likes.

It is not a comparison for the virus, it's an image of containment of the spread. It is not a perfect analogy over the whole picture, but at the level of contact between one individual and another it's just true. If I don't have contact with a person who is sick, I stop the direct spread from them to me.

I never intended to produce a model of propagation that was perfect, if you want that, then just invite people to watch the video posted by mnementh earlier instead of just discrediting the image altogether:

For the record, that facebook post was made by my sister in law, whose father is a retired doctor.

In this case you could consider those matches to be invisible,but i'm sorry to be so damn edgy about it.

You did not deserve that comment from me as i ignored the intention and got my feels in the way of my thinking,i devolved it into a rant about social media and assumed too much to come to that conclusion.