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Been watching the debate alongside the live updates from 538, and Nate Silver made a comment that I've been feeling for a while but haven't really been able to put into words:

"One of the things that people constantly get wrong about Biden, as his pivot toward embracing Warren’s bankruptcy bill shows, is that he’s not really a centrist — instead he’s more of a “generic Democrat” who basically holds the positions that the median Democratic legislator has."

A lot of people seem to worry about Biden's stances from years ago as if they will be predictive of the future. I don't think that is fair, because Biden has shown a propensity to adapt when the winds of change blow in the party. This is why we are seeing his platform shifting so far to the left. The party has moved in that direction. Further, that is why it is so important to not fall into a nihilistic stupor regarding politics if Biden becomes the nominee. If we demonstrate that the party has shifted, I believe Joe Biden will follow suit.

Vote for Joe! #JOEMENTUM