Mnementh said:
China quarantined a city with 5 million people prett fast. In europe the response was initially far less decisive. Most countries pick up now, although germany seems dangerously inactive. I also don't know what exactly Spain does. I have a strong feeling germany will overtake other countries in the number of cases quickly now, so far the number of infected seem to double every three days. |
Yeah, as much shit they do/eat in countries like China but at least they react drastically before it's too late and the people living there take stuff like that also more serious.
At my work I still have to tell people not to shake each others hands all the time. We are around 1000 people at work, there are already some cases here (and it's not a big city) and the chance that someone is infected isn't small. But you still see every single employee shaking hands with like 50 other guys per day.