John2290 said: This is the big one. Even if it the stats are half what they are now or a quarter, this is going to stress the planet more than anything in the last 60 years. There is no looking away from this as anything other than a slow moving disaster, The system can't cope with these numbers. It's like looking at a flow of lava coming towards you while stuck in quick sand. There's nothing we can do, just have to trust in the system as shoddy as it is and hope that some ditch digging by the powers that be will slow the lava. The ditch digging now just happens to be stemming panic and people all around are ready and willing to let those soothing words put them at rest while ignoring that stats. I hope to fuck these numbers can be slowed drastically but even when they are halfed and halfed again they keep adding up over time. By May the western world is going to be a shit show and if it can be slowed it'll just be june, slowed more and it's July. We might just have to face the reality that Chinas method of locking people in their homes is the only way to aboid the lava flow and if the lava analogy escapes people or It's inadequate I mean the damn medical infrastructure and that of our economy holding it up. It'll be interesting to say the very least to see how and who handles this and in what way. 2020 is fucked, I wanna sleep til 2021. |
It is an aggressive flu without a vaccine and that makes the weaker humans victims even more as previous years,my sister works at an institute for heavily mentally and physically handicapped people and each year viruses that are deemed not so bad end those lives,the weak die constantly without anyone caring on a level like this.
Now some healthy people think this current case will effect their own life so it is suddenly important to put so much attention towards it,the reality is that for ourselves the danger is almost laughable compared to those that are always exposed to these dangers.