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uran10 said:

Again I will say this one more time and leave it at that. You run a progressive presidential campaign you win - Obama

You run a "centrist"(right wing) campaign you lose - Hillary, Al gore, Kerry.

What did Obama do differently besides run a better campaign than the 3 loser centrist? Oh yea, he won the youth vote in the Primary and energized them. So, regardless of how many times you try this nonsense history is literally on my side here. Centrist presidential campaigns always take the L come november, while Obama ran as a progressive both times and got the W.

Also Hax, you literally know nothing about UK politics if you think that's why Corbyn lost. He sided with the neoliberals in the UK when it came to the one issue that determined the entire election, Brexit. Don't even try that one.

And here you are again with your fictional analysis. As always, it's easy to dismantle.

1. While I am sure you can create a list of arbitrary points while you think Obama was more progressive than Clinton, it's a fiction. They are relatively equal in terms of progressiveness. You base your criteria/purity tests on bullshit, created only to serve your culty Bernie fandom and has no place in reality.

2. Your second point has already been thoroughly disproven. Bernie Sanders already lost to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. He consistently under-performs by a high margin when compared to the opinion polls.

You are creating this fantasy account of how social progress has happened, and it goes against historical data. You're not a progressive, most of your posts are anti-progressive and attacks on the left. People like you do WAY more to hurt the progressive movement than help it.

Left or right, all cults of personality are a cancer on democracy. When the left has so-called "supporters" like this Bernie Cult (which he never asked for), who needs enemies? The Bernie or Bust/Bernie Bros/whatever they want to call themselves are, for all intents and purposes, helpful for the Republican party; they’re useful idiots for Trump.

No matter how 

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.