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The fiber network program that's using Gov money to bring fiber to rural area's in my province, just had a few updates about new fiber coming to our area. Sure enough, it's not coming here. Instead of tapping off the line that's about 1.5km to the west and going through our area and picking up about 60 customers along the way to the town just southeast of us, they are tapping off a line 3km northwest, going about 2km north, 4km east, then 5km south, to get to that town. While that route travels along main roads, the amount of homes along that route wouldn't be any more than the 60 or so it would travel through here, if they went through here instead. It's the same company doing all the construction work as last year, and the same ISP who's providing internet through the lines. The work is scheduled to be completed by the end of this year. At that point, my little area will be completely surrounded by fiber, because why not?

Over the last couple of months, the large ISP that brought 4G LTE wireless internet to the area has been calling or stopping by every couple of weeks trying to get us to sign up. The only thing they've changed, is the 3 month slightly cheaper price they use to get you on board, which has been extended to 6 months. Apparently the message hasn't gotten through that a 350GB cap simply isn't enough.

At least ever since the 4G LTE came to the area, our DSL connection has been getting worse and clearly throttled again. Can't catch a break it seems.