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*bleu-ocelot* said:
Riachu said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:
Dallinor said:

How long has this game been in development?

It was announced back in 2006.

But, on wikipedia it says this:

"Level-5 plans to make White Knight Chronicles a 50-60 hour game, a length Akihiro Hino considers to be a full length RPG, going against the pressure to make White Knight Chronicles a launch title and cutting the story short."

And in 2006 IGN made this remark:

"The Tokyo Game Show [06'] will offer our first look at White Knight Story, which despite its recent unveiling, seems to be far along in development."

By it's release, I'd say the title will have taken close to 3 years to produce.


But remember Level-5 also is working on DQIX,and other games.

Every Level 5 game in development other than WKC are handheld games.  Handheld games take significantly less than to develop than console games and require less people to develop.



True,but isn't Level-5 a small development studio?

Nope, as of 2007 they had over 150 employees.

Also interesting to note from the same page:

"The bulk of the staff however, including the chief designers, artists and Lead Director Yasuhiro Akasaka, are currently working on the company's PlayStation 3 RPG effort".