It was a good season.
Loved Joshikousei no Mudazukai (Wasteful Days of High School Girls), some of the girls were awesome. Just a fantastic job of creating characters. Majo, Loli, Wota, Robo, and Majime were probably my favorites. Ep 12 was especially nifty and had cameos from the new characters in the manga. Really good OP, too.
My favorite moment:
Kanata no Astra was really good, as well. It had a good plot with lots of unexpected twists and turns without being ridiculous. The way everything was so easy at first was a bit bothersome but, honestly, we're not getting Red Mars in a single anime season. Convenient planets is a small price to pay for a plot that moves along well.
I enjoyed Dr. Stone a lot. Almost dropped it at first but it became far more interesting when they mixed in "native" characters. Only complaint was how a science based show has no hesitation about disregarding reality whenever it feels like it.
DanMachi 2 was good. Not on the level of the first but still entertaining.
Super_Boom said: I've never actually dropped an anime over a single character...but Working!!! (however many exclamation points are in there) might be a rare exception. Though also possibly an interesting case study for my tastes in anime ladies. I think I laughed a bit at first at Inami, the violent shy girl who beats up any man she sees. Unfortunately the joke grew old after like...maybe one episode. I don't typically mind abuse comedy since it's usually pretty wacky and it doesn't seem to make a big impact in the scheme of things....but here I just found it obnoxious and wished it would end. Maybe it's because the anime tried to simultaneously play it off as a joke and a serious issue, or maybe it's because I didn't care for her base shy girl personality, but every time she showed up I either groaned or hoped she would get fired, or that someone would at least hit back on occasion. Makes me wonder if I've liked tsundere characters all this time in spite of this trope rather than because of it...but I think this might be the first time it turned me off from a character. I did like most of the rest of the cast, the MC's sisters, and really liked the Sanji/Katana girl ship. Unfortunately I don't really feel like sticking around for 40 episodes to see if one of the core cast members gets less obnoxious, and a side ship alone isn't enough to keep me invested. I won't rule out returning to it...but right now my impression is pretty poor. |
I absolutely hated that character in Working!! I already dislike the whole abusive relationship comedy trope to begin with but what really pissed me off with this anime was that no one around seemed to care that one employee was physically attacking another employee, which made me dislike pretty much all of them. That's why I dropped it the first time.
However, I did go back to it and I'm glad I did. First, while that particular type of "comedy" continues, it does show how it's really messing up that girl's life and that she wants to get over it. Not perfect but it's something. If I remember right, the second season was much better all around.
More importantly, Yamada. Troublemaker Yamada shows up and the value of the show at least doubles.