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I've never actually dropped an anime over a single character...but Working!!! (however many exclamation points are in there) might be a rare exception. Though also possibly an interesting case study for my tastes in anime ladies.

I think I laughed a bit at first at Inami, the violent shy girl who beats up any man she sees. Unfortunately the joke grew old after like...maybe one episode. I don't typically mind abuse comedy since it's usually pretty wacky and it doesn't seem to make a big impact in the scheme of things....but here I just found it obnoxious and wished it would end. Maybe it's because the anime tried to simultaneously play it off as a joke and a serious issue, or maybe it's because I didn't care for her base shy girl personality, but every time she showed up I either groaned or hoped she would get fired, or that someone would at least hit back on occasion. Makes me wonder if I've liked tsundere characters all this time in spite of this trope rather than because of it...but I think this might be the first time it turned me off from a character.

I did like most of the rest of the cast, the MC's sisters, and really liked the Sanji/Katana girl ship. Unfortunately I don't really feel like sticking around for 40 episodes to see if one of the core cast members gets less obnoxious, and a side ship alone isn't enough to keep me invested. I won't rule out returning to it...but right now my impression is pretty poor.


Anyways, the season is over, but I'm too lazy to make my usual list. Last few shows will end this weekend but right now my top 5 are:

1. Kanata no Astra - Great ensemble show with likable characters, great pacing, unpredictable twists and awesome ending. Huzzah for anime with endings!
2. Dr. Stone - Cool crafting adventure with a cool MC and a lot of blondes
3. Fire Force - Fun shounen adventure with some cool characters. DavidPro delivers...and did a great job accommodating an anime like this that probably released at the worst possible time (given the KyoAni tragedy a few months ago).
4. Kimetsu no Yaiba - Interesting dark fantasy. Started great but fell a bit. Too little Nezuko and too much Zenitsu
5. Demon Daughter - Animation was a bit meh but was a cute bonding story. Latina is adorable.

New season starts soon! Haven't put my list together yet...but it seems like a shounen fan's dream.

Last edited by Super_Boom - on 25 September 2019

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334