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I'm not sure what to say about Beastars or what to expect from the adaptation. The manga is unique and interesting but it's also true that I stopped reading it because it's depressing and, honestly, it made me uncomfortable. It can be very dark. I'll probably give the anime a try, however, since it will likely move a lot quicker than the manga.

Seems to be a ton of continuing battle shounen this season.  Eh.  A bunch more isekai, too, which is usually more miss than hit.

Chihayafuru 3 and Laid Back Camp 2, though, so I'm happy.  A few other things look interesting enough to try.

Also waiting eagerly for the ridiculous violence and insanity of Dorohedoro.  In my heart of hearts I know it's almost impossible that they'll capture even half the atmosphere of the manga but, damn it all, it would be amazing if they did.