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So this past week I watched all three of the Evangelion Rebuild movies.

Before I go into my thoughts on them I will give you some of my background on the franchise. I first watch the TV series back in high school, while I did enjoy it, it didn't blow me away and some of the themes and character development went over my head and I didn't even watch End of Evangelion until recently. But recently I watched the series on Netflix and this time watched End. And I can honestly say this is one of my favorite series, Maybe it is now being 22 years as oppose to being 16 when I first watched and having gone through some mental problems that characters Shinji and Asuka went through during the series when it comes to feeling lonely and the message that End of Evangelion about connecting with others really connected with me. Now on to my thoughts on the Rebuild films


Well that was certainly a prettier version of the first 6 episodes,  but the changes were interesting mainly with the last stretch of the film and yes I am a believer that these are sequels to the original series. 


I enjoyed this movie more since it actually did things differently, but still nowhere near say End of Evangelion. Now I say this as someone who is basically a shipper of Shinji and Asuka, but I am glad Anno took the time to develop Rei's character and her relationship with Shinji. Kind of reminds of a visual novel, TV show and EoE was the Asuka route and Rebuild is the Rei route. Though I still got some nice Shinji and Asuka moments like the bed scene and Asuka's more apparent crush on Shinji. The changes were mix though, Asuka being the pilot of Unit 3 was an interesting change and I like how the fight between Unit 1 and 3 ended, but I wish the fight itself was a bit more different. Mari, she was only in 3 scenes and didn't do much aside from fighting the last Angel (which was mostly Shinji's fight anyways), but holy shit that ending was great. I maybe an Asuka and Shinji shipper, but Shinji causing the third impact to save Rei was great cliff hanger.


Thankfully I did get the heads up that the preview for 3.0 at the end of 2.0 isn't at all in it, but still with the 14 year time skip and no one telling Shinji anything, feels like a entire movie was skipped and it sucks that preview is the last time I see my boy Kaji in the Rebuild films. However though, this might be my favorite Rebuild film. Kaworu, who I thought was bit underdevelop in the series, especially his relatinship with Shinji. Here though Anno did a good job at developing both. Even though they don't explain what really happened during the time skip, I do like the world that was presented in this movie and number of scenes in this really did make it feel like the most Evangelion of the Rebuild films. However I wish we got more screen time with the member of the Wille crew, Misato, and of my girl Asuka who was only really in the end and beginning. But depending how 3.0 + 1.0 goes will likely change my opinion on this movie for better or for the worst since this felt like the first half to that movie especially with the way it ends. 

Overall while not as good as the original series and End, I did enjoy watching them and I thought each one was better then the last one and I am excited (and worried) to see how Anno can concluded this all within one more movie.