Ok, I finally landed in the current season. I picked up way more animes than I thought I would and I still hope I can somehow trim the list. Let's go through all of the not terrible ones. Everything not on this list I have watched and dropped.
Dr. Stone 7/10
I really don't want to like this one. The setting is interesting but the characters are terrible. It has kept me entertained and since it's this season's critical darling I might as well watch it and see what it's about.
Enen no Shouboutai 10/10
My hype anime of the season and maybe the whole year. I may be more enthused with it because the director is very closely affiliated with Shaft and it really shows in the anime. I love the setting, the balance of comedy and drama, the visuals and all of the characters. Maki is my Best Girl for this season. It could do a bit less with the heavy use of flashbacks.
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? 8/10
As someone who's currently in the process of losing weight this is highly inspirational. I would watch it either way because it's fun and cool. Can't wait for all of the characters to come together. But I already love the highly motivated MC.
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator 7/10
It's another Toaru Kagaku and it's well made. Of course it's no Railgun but for that we get the double portion of Last Order to make up for it.
Tejina Senpai 6/10
Short comedy anime about a constantly flustered and big breasted highschool girl. I'd probably drop it if it was normal length but 10 minutes is just bearable enough to watch her hi-jinks.
Sounan Desu ka? 7/10
Fun and short with some fan service thrown in. Doesn't need much more.
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. 8/10
This show feels really genuine and portrays the girls just like real highschool freshmen. It's supposed to be about sex but it's more just a coming of age story with romance and drama elements. I will continue watching it to appreciate it for what it is and not necessarily how entertaining it is.
Cop Craft 7/10
I've only watched the first episode and it's usually not my style but I enjoy gruff guys accompanied by cute girls. She's the right mix of personality to make the show watchable for me. Overall production quality seems high.
Joshikousei no Mudazukai 8/10
Delightfully dry comedy show. Lots of cute and funny girls. Reminds me a bit of Sansha Sanyou from the atmosphere but it's not nearly as good. Still, looking forward to it every week like a nice snack for in between.
Granbelm 7/10
Magical girl / mecha anime. Very colorful and trash. The mechs look ridiculously superdeformed. It's the perfect edge trash show for me.
Machikado Mazoku 9/10
This one was one of the biggest surprises. I expected a lighthearted comedy show about magical girls but holy shit, is this thing meta. Not even sure if you can still call this 4th wall breaking because there never seems to have been a 4th wall. You could call it a parody anime on parody animes. The comedy timings didn't really have the punch they needed but the first episode was just very much stuffed with exposition. I hope this'll get even better.
Senki Zesshou Symphogear X 7/10
I've watched every Symphogear season so I might as well watch this one.
Re:Stage! Dream Days♪ 6/10
Pretty standard fare idol show with little girls. Not amazing, not bad, but high on my potential drop list.
I haven't watched BEM yet. Could be great or could be an instant drop.
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