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JEMC said:
It will be interesting to see the reviews for both the new Ryzens and Navi, to check if the performance claims are real or just PR talk.

It's a shame that the new cards are so expensive, tho. In my opinion, they should be $50 cheaper, but I guess AMD is going after the money, not marketshare.

Nvidia has a strangle hold on the GPU market and even Navi at $50 cheaper isn't likely to change that much. AMD might as well profit as much as they can without losing too much market share. At least they can use that to up their R&D budget going forward. As long as you have enough people thanking AMD for forcing GeForce prices down so they can buy that Nvidia product they've been waiting for, AMD should just keep pricing slightly below Nvidia's. Worst case scenario, Nvidia basically takes the entire market, then eventually slacks off on the tech advancements and jacks the prices up even more so, and creates the opportunity for another fewer core Intel vs higher core Ryzen at half the price scenario.

I've got a couple buddies who've been AMD/Radeon fans for as long as I can remember, and while they have Ryzen rigs now, they kept their existing Radeon cards for a couple years, and they both bought RTX 2000 cards last boxing day. Neither was willing to wait for Navi and neither says they plan to move back to Radeon anytime soon, even after the 5700 information we have now. There isn't much point in AMD trying to beat Nvidia for the next while. They might as well make bank and PC gamers can either change their minds and save a few bucks, or learn a hard lesson eventually.