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Panzer Dragoon Saga. I'm so lucky to have that game. It still looks amazing because of the artstyle and how they worked aroudn the Saturn's limitations. (Oh, and Panzer dragoon Zwei still looks good too)

Ocarina of Time looks good because of its artsyle too. Blocky but nothing looks out of place.

Super Mario 64 holds up because of its whimsical style.

The first Metal Gear Solid still has a cool vibe to it.

Virtua Fighter 2 still holds up as an excellet fighting game.

The first Smash Bros is still an amazing party game. Super fun.

Lylatwars is still the most fun Star Fox game and one of the best 3D rail shooters.

Sin&Punishment is still great.

People might find this controversial but Turok:Rage Wars still outclasses many modern shooters in terms of fun. You have a gun that places an alien fetus in another players' chest to burst out and insta kill him later. You have a gun that makes players fatter and if they get too fat they explode. You have a throwing weapon that drills into people's brains and explodes. You have a gun that freezes people. And so on. And also they get the controls right for once. Move with the c buttons, aim with the analog stick.
As good as a multiplayer FPS can get on N64 IMO. (yes, better than Perfect Dark)