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TalonMan said:
kirby007 said:
For those that want https just type in the s manually and succes!

Not really - because of all the screwed up and hard-coded urls in the code, you're bound to wind up on screwed up page...

sethnintendo said:
I was having trouble imbeding a photo in my post earlier. It kept just coming up text of link and not showing pic. Never had issues before posting a pic.

How were you trying to embed the pic? Copy paste? Upload from local? Hyperlink? Need more info...

I was trying to copy and paste and then tried insert image source by putting link in there.  Also, can't believe I spelled it imbed lol...  Let me try to copy and past and by using the insert.

copy & paste

insert image

Both pics are showing up fine in preview

Edit- Well shit whatever I was doing didn't work a few days ago.  It would show fine in preview but just show link after posting.  Now it seems to work.  Good job on fixing!