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SpokenTruth said:
EricHiggin said:

Be Honest? Once or twice? Trump is 72 and has spent his life eating in a manner the world deems extremely unhealthy today, yet he's far from kicking the bucket. How unhealthy can it really be then? How old does he have to end up, to be able to say he lived long enough to prove those foods aren't as unhealthy as we think they are, based on how you treat your body aside from that? 75? 80? 100+?

I don't recall Trump bragging about eating unhealthy and the tweets in the articles don't even mention the food. Just because there were pics posted of him eating could mean anything or nothing. How many people post pics of their meals or with food around them in general and how many do so all for the exact same reason and for that specific purpose?

If you're going to say that Trump tweeting pics of eating fast food is a bad thing, then a senator eating fast food in front of many camera's, who's doing it on purpose to make a point about a controversy, that the msm will certainly run with, is just as bad if not worse. He's basically saying it's ok to harm yourself to make a point, while also advertising that to America and the world. This is on top of the Reps not taking the situation seriously, so the Dems decide to 'one up' them with chicken prop jokes?

More specifically to my initial point, the left and right both have their issue's, and clearly don't know when to stop while they're ahead. “What is required for many of us, paradoxical though it may sound, is the courage to tolerate happiness without self-sabotage.”

While the KFC was meant to suggest AG Barr was "chicken", it was definitely poorly executed. 

That said, Trump has bragged many times about his unhealthy eating habits. Even before he starting campaigning for POTUS. 
He's claimed that fast food tastes better, likes fast food restaurants because they are cleaner than full service restaurants (really?), and he also does it for sociopolitical purposes...he thinks it makes him relatable.  He was in several fast food and soda commercials back in the 90s and early 2000s.

But, I agree that these are more trivial and not nearly as worthy of focus as other aspects of his leadership and job performance.

Well everyone see's things differently, and everyone is going to have trouble seeing things based on the other side due to bias, no matter how minor. In this case for example, based on what you've described, I can't say that's Trump bragging. Saying fast food tastes better and those restaurants are cleaner has little to do with how healthy the food is for you. If a woman is said to be more attractive and sexier but is a hardcore gold digger should you marry her?

Now indirectly, he's potentially sending people down an unhealthy path, but to say that's his goal and is doing so purposely is really reaching. To assume he does understand this is a potential consequence, but also assumes people are dumb or lazy enough not to balance it by eating healthy sometimes or exercising, etc, doesn't make much sense unless you think he has some agenda to specifically poison peoples bodily health. Does the senator know and want this? Probably not.

As for the commercials, people have been programmed to think just because a star, authority, or leader, is in a commercial, they approve of the product in the ad. This is not the case. It can be, but it's just as possible, if not more likely, they simply want the money or publicity, and don't care about the product at all. Did Kap really care about Nike or does he care about the money and publicity for his cause? What about Ford and her bottle of Coke?

Yes, the President's health matters to a degree because you don't want them to keel over due to their eating habits, but as long as they are being medically examined and are healthy enough to do their job, who really cares? As long as they themselves, aren't constantly throwing that in people's faces, it's not something people should worry about. If for example, they're worried about their kids being influenced, then be a parent and teach them. If they don't listen or learn, that's not really someone else's fault. Majority the parents fault, partially the kids fault and minutely the stars fault.