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SpokenTruth said:
EricHiggin said:

Why build walls if they were so much more expensive and useless?

1. Focus on ports of entry, which should easily take less resources than trying to cover vast open area's of no wall. The wall. 

2. The wall hasn't been finished. The wall that exists is utterly useless in some locations. You can't not build a proper wall and say a wall wouldn't work. Want proof? The analysts and experts said Trump had little to no chance at becoming Prez. How can he be Prez? Now that is he Prez, don't you think they can use this to study the event and find out the how and why it differed from their perfect predictions and see if it continues, only to use that info to better predict who will become Prez in the future?

3. Those were a few of the reasons I gave, out of the many that would be part of the outcome, yet you disagree and believe drugs, crime, etc, wouldn't be reduced whatsoever, and no jobs would be created, because immigrants only work on farms? Hmm.

Most walls of these kinds are political in nature....just like this one.  It's not founded upon need or function.

1. The wall is going to be effective at preventing tunnels?  Prevent smugglers from using drones?  Prevent point of entry illegal activity?

2. You're going to say that immigration experts, border security experts, drug smuggling experts are probably wrong simply because a bunch of TV political panelists and pollsters were?  You're reaching far too with this to be taken seriously.

3. Where did I day immigrants (legal or illegal) only work on farms?  Otherwise, correct. 

So why not a simple chain link fence since the beginning? Why a wall at all? 

1. Depends how narrow the gaps are and how deep the posts go, but if they really want to dig a lot to get under, probably not. A proper wall will still be cheaper in the long run though. I also find it quite ironic that money for a border wall should likely go towards conservatives where as money for border tech should likely go towards liberals. Interesting.

2. Well based on what I've read, the border security experts asked for more wall than was budgeted for, and less tech and manpower than was budgeted for. After of course the speaker made it clear there would be no wall because it's immoral. Why didn't congress agree with their expertise? Was it because of the TV panelists and pollsters?

3. After a quick glance I don't see it. Very well may have been pi guy since you both were replying on the same things at the same time. If you didn't say it I take it back. No decrease in drugs or crime and no increase in jobs at all whatsoever? Now who's being flippant?