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Ganoncrotch said:

Those suggesting that switch is a handheld because it has a mobile CPU might wanna look at what the Jaguar inside both x1 and ps4 was developed as. Those systems might also be handhelds.

It's a combination of reasons, one of the is the cpu. it's not the only one.


zorg1000 said:
drinkandswim said:
Well I think it is hitting more of the handheld market than the console market. But it is both which=hybrid. They can still expand more into both markets with the lite and/pro options.

It's not more of one or the other, it functions 100% like both, making it both.

It's a weak home console and a too large handheld.


PortisheadBiscuit said:
drinkandswim said:

It is both. I am saying from a Market perspective it is taking more customers from a handheld market. 

A handheld market with $300 hardware and $60 games? In what dimension?

It's an expensive handheld, for sure. Nintendo's expensive and it's become more expensive recently. There's a lot of technology in there. It's like tablets, there are $400 tablets and $1000 tablets.




God bless You.

My Total Sales prediction for PS4 by the end of 2021: 110m+

When PS4 will hit 100m consoles sold: Before Christmas 2019

There were three ravens sat on a tree / They were as blacke as they might be / The one of them said to his mate, Where shall we our breakfast take?