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Looks like Zombieland Saga is the first of my seasonals to finish up. Really fun anime overall, that last song was crazy! Wasn't expecting Tatsumi to be a high school peer (I think?) of Sakura's, that adds some extra weight to his declaration last episode. Feel like it left a lot of loose ends though, hopefully there isn't much time before this gets a continuation.

Current backlog anime is Kiniro Mosaic. Feels weird seeing me in an anime. I should file a lawsuit on Shinobu for stealing my character. 

Really good show though, kinda reminded me of Yuru Yuri without the love triangles and twice the blondes. And having Chitoge and Erina's voice actresses in the main cast made it even better. I finished season 1 earlier...will probably start season 2 when I get back from Christmas vacation.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334