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pokoko said:
So, I mean, what is this? I don't know this Harris person or this Peterson person. There is nothing in the OP that tells me anything about the accounts that were closed and if they were in violation of any policies. There is no substance here at all.

All I can do is shrug.

Harris and Peterson are both very smart individuals, especially when it comes to how people think and why. Harris is clearly left but not what some would call 'radical' left, and Peterson is fairly center but sides with the right based on the lefts political viewpoint at the moment. Ruben used to be part of TYT and now has his own show and is also fairly center, yet sides with the right because he thinks the left has gone way to far considering he's got a lot of hate for being gay and not a firm lefty anymore.

The way I understand it, is that Sargon was banned from Patreon for saying something on YouTube quite a while ago. I can't remember if it was months or years, but not recent. Patreon or someone else found it and used it against him. The problem is that while it could fall under hate speech (I think it was) from Patreons rules and guidelines, which is up to them, what was said has nothing to do with Patreon because it was on another platform that isn't tied to those rules and guidelines. Patreon is basically acting as Team America world police, and we know how people tend to feel about that. 

Sargon is upset because he found out from his viewers that he was kicked off Patreon, and he had to contact Patreon to find out officially. Patreon in short, basically told him their rules and guidelines aren't well defined and so this incident can fall into that. Sargon and many other Patreon members are pissed off yet worried that without well defined guidelines, anyone could be banned at anytime, which is not a stable business model.

Patreon doesn't seem to care and doesn't really want to do much about it, and considering the constant insta-bans that have been happening more and more recently, tied to social media or internet based services, certain individuals want to get together to create their own version of Patreon. You can bet if this happens, that will just be the first step towards creating their own knockoffs of other platforms they use, which tend to be somewhat risky and could get worse.