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Politics Discussion - Brexit - View Post

Eagle367 said:
EricHiggin said:

If the UK leaving would hurt them so badly that the people would beg to return to the EU, the EU would just let them go. 3-5 Years of slightly less power in the EU would be well worth it to get the UK back into the group, and locked in tight with even less leverage than before.

The reason the EU wouldn't want this, is because there is a good chance the UK will be just fine, and when other fed up EU nations and their people see that, they will push to leave as well.

Aren't they doing that right now though? Like with the deal they are offering, it seems like they want no deal in essence

It's either UK 'splits' and has no say in the EU, yet is still subject to the EU in certain ways for a period of time, or the UK makes a clean break period. If the EU were willing to make good deals with the UK, then they would just break off, but that's obviously not the case, so clearly the EU is trying to use leverage to keep the UK from leaving, which isn't a surprise.