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Politics Discussion - Brexit - View Post

Eagle367 said:
You guys are stuck in a shitstorm either way. The Europeans in UK will suffer and so will The brits, scotts etc outside of UK in EU. The irish will suffer without a deal and might even with a deal. If you get a deal, the best you'll get is that you'll still essentially be in the EU, just without any proper power this time. If you leave without no deal, it's gonna be tough roads ahead. You are not getting a better deal whether the incompetent tories go or any other party. The 2 real options are no deal or new referendum. Your gov didn't inform the people of the real implications of leaving and now you must go through this painful transition period. It might be a worthwhile struggle that makes you stronger as a nation afterwards or it might be a useless effort that weakens you, I can't say. But I don't think you should just accept whatever offer is given to you because that would mean you are a somewhat pathetic nation and degrade your dignity and respect further in the world

If the UK leaving would hurt them so badly that the people would beg to return to the EU, the EU would just let them go. 3-5 Years of slightly less power in the EU would be well worth it to get the UK back into the group, and locked in tight with even less leverage than before.

The reason the EU wouldn't want this, is because there is a good chance the UK will be just fine, and when other fed up EU nations and their people see that, they will push to leave as well.