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Politics Discussion - Brexit - View Post

Wyrdness said:
EricHiggin said:

You missed the point.

Trump see's horrible deals, however they were made, and renegotiates. He uses leverage if necessary as well. It's what smart people with spines do. Yes, they have more leverage because of who they are, but it doesn't mean jack if you don't ever use what leverage you have. Stop doing bad things or we'll give you a bunch of money to do so, lol.

No the UK isn't what it once was, but it's like your saying it's greatness is gone forever and can never be rekindled. One big reason the UK has lost much of it's presence is because it's gone soft, which is another reason why the US is also slowly losing relevance.

In an abusive relationship, is it better to remain or to leave, even if leaving means 'struggling' for a while on your own? Better to stay and continue getting beat down?

Difference is with Trump these deals are already in place and he just impulsively makes a move with out letting anyone beforehand the rest of your sentence doesn't make any sense as the isn't any context as to what you're referring to.

No the reason the UK has lost much of its greatness is because the world has caught up and overtaken us it's a tough pill for a number of people to swallow, we're still classed as a nuclear power yet have outdated subs etc... Fact is the era of us being what we once were is long gone and the current era is more about collective strength than individual and it's something that is hard for people to accept going forward.

The relationship was never abusive to begin with which is why Brexiteers like Farage now deny saying some of the claims they made during the leave campaign the debacle was Cameron gambling to win against Milliband.

Not all deals are always in place. Many countries, like the US in the past, would threaten using leverage, but then fold and offer money instead, if they even threatened in the first place.

If the UK would have remained hard and kept it's foot on the gas, it would 'own' NA. They went soft and ever since they've paid the price, yet the world looks at leaders like Trump and wonders why he's such a hard ass. Collective strength because people somehow think wanting more for doing less is a good idea. Problem is it comes with consequences that are worse than the benefits.

That's like saying the 'relationships' within the US haven't been abusive, and that Trump became President solely because... Russia? 'Nobody' saw that coming, just like 'nobody' saw Brexit coming, just like 'nobody' could have predicted what's going on in France right now.

How leaky does the faucet need to get before someone realizes that means there's a problem and it needs to be solved sooner than later or it'll just get worse?