Intrinsic said: And this is something I feel a lot aren't considering when it comes to the switch.
Is the switch going to go to 80M lifetime sales on the back of Nintendo first party alone? Cause that is what it will need to do. Because once the PS5/XB2 comes along those ports that the NS are getting now won't be there anymore. The power divide will just be too much. Do people really think the arrival of the PS5 and XB2 will not affect the switch in anyway? Do people really think that nintendo first party alone is enough to carry a platform to 80M+ sales? Outside the Wii when has nintendo ever managed that feat? The secnd we start talking abut sales and exclude the call od duties next fortnite next overwatchs` next doom' next fifa and next GTA then nintendo is left solely with its first party. In a world where it cant even sell as a handheld device alone. |
> Breath of the Wild becomes best-selling Zelda
> Odyssey becomes the best-selling 3D Mario
> Smash Ultimate becomes the best-selling Smash
> "Clearly, it's the third-party ports that are driving Switch's success."