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pokoko said:
Zombieland Saga 11 -- This show just keeps getting better and better. It also managed to throw in a hint of something I wasn't expecting at all. So many things. How the hell can this just be 12 episodes? WHAT ABOUT TAE-CHAN?

I had to rewatch the part with Tatsumi and the bartender...who I'm pretty sure has a popular voice actor but I'm too lazy to check. I've been curious for a while if he's also zombie...or something more extreme. I was also wondering why the courtesan girl is the only without an explained I'm wondering if she's just known these two much much longer. Interesting @_@

And the rest was fantastic too...gosh just one more episode seems like a cruel joke. Apparently sales for DVD/BR and merch for this show are through the roof so hopefully we get more content quickly. 

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334