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Bisa said:

Close to the end of this season, what would you consider your top 5 shows this year?

Boarding School Juliet is my AOTS at this point...extremely unlikely to change unless the last two eps really blow. Super enjoyable rom-com with two awesome MCs that just doesn't waste time with harem nonsense. Probably has my favorite male and female this season too, which is pretty impressive considering how many golden-haired ladies there are this season. Already planning an immediate rewatch..and will probably jump into the manga too unless a new season gets confirmed right away.

Following that I'd say: Jojo, Zombieland Saga, Slime, and Gridman. Last one could plummet though...really depends on how the big twist plays out...really skeptical about Trigger shows after Kiznaiver and DarFranxx.

Edit: I see you're talking about year...I need to think more about that one. I'll make my list later.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334