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Mandalore76 said:
KManX89 said:

Right, can't wait to see Carnage stab push people and decapitate push people and maybe if we're lucky, we'll get to see a really gruesome scene of Carnage ripping someone in half and devouring them pushing someone.

Seriously, Carnage will not work with a PG-13 rating. That's like making a Wolverine movie where he doesn't use his claws or a Punisher movie where Frank Castle doesn't gun down and torture gangsters. They better release an R-rated director's cut on Blu-Ray because I won't pay to see this neutered Carnage in theaters, el oh el. Fucking read Maximum Carnage and tell me he belongs in a PG-13 movie. He doesn't.

Avi Arad should be fired for saying that shit. What a tool. It's clear he doesn't read the comics. It's clear he doesn't know how to properly tell a story, either, which is why he ruined every Spider-Man movie after SM2 with his meddling. No, a mass-murdering lunatic is NOT somebody we should feel for, fucking A. 

Oh, and "in most fans' eyes"? Is that why it has a 7.0 avg rating on IMDb (less than Spider-Man: Homecoming)? And it was more than just the airplane scene dude, also the motorcycle scene. And Venom literally walking through explosions throughout the film. 

And Punisher. And Blade. And Spawn. 

And there's a very specific reason why their films/shows have all been rated R. Spoiler: they're not for kids. They even say so on the cover of their comics: 

The 2005 Punisher game had to be toned down just so it wouldn’t get an AO by the ESRB. Some comic book characters need an R rating in order to justify the elements of said character, this being one of them (and Carnage). 

Or a movie with Deadpool in it where "The Merc with the Mouth" has his mouth sewn shut.

AKA the version of Deadpool that nobody liked and was the most mocked thing in an already badly-maligned movie that was long considered to be the worst Fox superhero movie ever until the godawful Fantastic Four reboot came out.

And it was in a kid's friendly PG-13 movie to boot which Deadpool is not, so yeah, point proven.

No, I don't need over-the-top violence/gore/swearing to be entertained (Infinity War was amazing), but when it's a property that's widely known and loved for being tailored for adults, you can't kiddify it. Lots of people aren't happy about the PG-13 re-release of Deadpool 2, either and understandably so, but at least it doesn't take itself seriously as a watered-down, kiddified version of an adult-aimed character (it looks like a self-parody cut making fun of the fact that it's PG-13 using a Princess Bride-inspired framing device) like Sony plans to do with Carnage. 

Last edited by KManX89 - on 03 December 2018