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PortisheadBiscuit said:
quickrick said:

Well see who looks foolish when NPD comes out and matches nintendo numbers or will be very close to nintendo numbers. if you are so confident make a 2 week avatar bet if switch  does  over 1.1 million. you win, if not i win.

I thought you said Switch would sell between 800k-950k for Nov?

You  should know by now, that he doesn't stick to his predictions, he moves them to cover his own obvious bias. This is why people like him and others gets called as well. Like I have prediction of 1-1.1 million for the switch. I also had prediction of 100,000 for Japan this week. I'm not going to live and die by these predictions, but there is a reason, why barrage of Nintendo fans are not attacking me.

It is also amusing the bias talk I had this week, and how it reflects users posts (It is double amusing when they claim not have said bias). If one user says a prediction, that should be the basis of the bet. Not pushing goal post higher. This happened in Feb-April period as well, he made a claim, someone said back it up with a bet. He moved the goal post, and that person was like meh.