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I finished Darling in the Franxx (24 episodes). An anime with a lot of potential but in the end squandered its opportunity. The identity crisis midway through made for a very different anime in the last cour. At least the last cour started with one of the best EDs called "XX:me - Escape". It felt like my Astronomy exams, taking my time making sure I get good answers and then I realize that 5 minutes is left and have to rush through, the last 7 or so episodes could have been done better. Also very disappointed the klaxxasaurs didn't use their greatest weapon the giant hand! That thing completely destroyed everything, although it might have been a budget thing because it looked terrifying. I do feel like many things were dropped like that, that would have been appreciated and some things felt pointless like mind wiping Mitsuru and Kokoro. I did really like the main plot points with the humans to have kids and build relationships. As well as caring for the environment. I always like world building and alternate worlds and new aliens. Future technology is really cool, and I am not sure if having eternal happiness is a bad thing without pain and suffering. Most anime tend to dislike idealism though. Overall a solid anime, but disappointing.