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So as of late, I've been frequently browsing the anime section of my nearest FYE Superstore - and I noticed something peculiar. Anime's from the late 80's, 90's and early 2000's are becoming "Out of Print" (meaning no longer being produced and distributed to retailers) and many old school anime are becoming collectors items. Many of these anime at my FYE have been sitting on their store shelves for so damn long that their price tags are several years old - and ring up at about $1 to $5, as opposed to the listed $24.99 you see on alot of them.

So now I find myself becoming a collector of vintage, rare, and OOP anime DVD's. You'd be AMAZED at the some of the shit thats been over looked over by younger customers that sell for hundreds of dollars on eBay. (Koi Kaze, Robotech, 3x3 Eyes, Battle Arena Toshinden, Gunsmith Cats, Perfect Blue, Card Captor Sakura, Chobits, Shadow Skill, Twilight of the Dark Master, Ronin Warriors, original Ah My Goddess, Patlabor 1 & 2, etc) and these anime's depending on the series - can fetch up $500 on eBay.

Does anyone in here actively collect out of print anime? I'd love to hear some of people's finds and collections...