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CrazzyMan said:
Anyway, let`s think, what Japanese will have in near future on PS3:

MGS4 (Already out)
SC4 (Is SC a system seller? I dont think so)
Siren Remake (Wont make any difference)
Afrika (Isn't even Japanese oriented, and you know nothing about the game. Will not move hardware)
Eternal Sonata (Already released for 360, sales wont even increase)
LBP (Unproven franchise, could or couldn't increase hardware)
Naruto PS3 (Lol)
WKS (Will increase hardware, but for a short period like MGS4)
FFXIII (Of course, the biggest game for the PS3 this gen in Japan, will no doubt increase sales)
Tekken6 (will sell well on itsown, but will not raise hardware)
RE5 (Could be big, but seeing as its coming out on 360 too, the impact wont be too big)
GT5 (Will increase sales, but a portion has already bought a PS3 when GT5P released)
Ace combat 6 or 7 (6 is 360 exclusive 7 doesn't exist)
Last Remnant (Will not have a nig impact like the other RPG's and its multiplat timed exclusive for the 360)
Silent Hill (Doesnt move hardware)
FFXIIIv (Will be big, but not as big as XIII)
ToV (360 exclusive)
ZoE3 (Doesnt exist)
Shadow of Colossus 2 (Doesnt exist)

These games will SPIKE PS3 sales in Japan.

Now Wii:
Fatal Frame 4
Sword of Legendia
Harvest Moon
Rune Factory
Sky Crawlers
Wario Land
Mario Golf
Mario Tennis
Disaster DoC
Moon's Peak
Wii Music
Pikmin 3
Star Fox
Donkey kong

What else japanese oriented games it will have?
Kid Icarus ?
Animal Crossing Wii ?

well, atleast maybe on E3 there will be some announcements, but for now, Wii lineup with japanese oriented games look bland.

See I can do the same, you are very deluded. The Wii has a constant flow of games that keep attracting in new gamers
to it, while the PS3 games are too far away from each other, and there's less games released. A lot are for the Western audience, japanese don't even care for the majority of PS3 games.


Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies