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Not believing women who say they were taken advantage of is kind of like beliving Jaws as an accurate representation of great white shark behaviour.

Sure, there are attacks by great white sharks so it makes sense to be cautious around them, but they're not so frequent you should kill all sharks.

Just like how, sure, there are women who falsely claim to have been raped to destroy someone, but that doesn't mean that people should be acting like an overwhelming majority of people supporting #MeToo are just doing it for fame.

No matter what the statistic, no matter what the situation, there will always be outliers. Using a few shark attacks to justify the slaughter of a whole species is in many ways similar to trying to devalue what these women say just because you heard about a friend who was accused of rape but denies it. People attacking women for coming out against people like Harvey Weinstein and others is disgusting. Yes, I agree that you are 'innocent until proven guilty', and I hate the idea that hearsay can ruin someone, but proving you were raped is immensely difficult and that's exactly why so few charges are successfully filed.

This whole thread upsets me and disgusts me. No idea why I'm posting in it at all.

Modern internet extremists are the worst.

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