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DrDoomz said:
Machiavellian said:

Boiling down everything back to one simple frame, politics.  Nothing new, nothing different, just another day in American politics.  We can argue over semantics all day long.  This vote was never going to be about a claim of sexual assault but instead of character.  I would be the first to say, that denying Kavanaugh for an alleged assault over 30+ years ago was never something I would have stop his confirmation over.  Instead, I watched how he answered questions given him, dodge questions he didn't like and appeared to just lie when pushed.  For me it was never about the accusations because we will never know the truth to that event.  My position was how does a man going for the SC handle a pressure situation and Kavanaugh failed.  Human or not human, leaders show how they handle high stressful situations and what I saw in Kavanaugh is just another partisan appointed representative who under duress reverted to his true self.

I fail to see how one can see “accusation = guilt” being pushed by one side as normal (if you cannot see how frightening that is, then I don’t think anyone would be able to convince you of anything) and par for course and then see someone being upset over accusations (that is being believed by the media, the celebs and half the ppl out there that is extremely damaging to his family/career/rep/life) as some sort of disqualifying variable without some extreme form of double standard here. One is normal for a human being the other may well destroy the foundation of justice as we know it. Sorry to say, not gonna fault someone for having the same failings as I do (because I do my best to not be a hypocrite) but I will fault others who are sinking to levels that I would never ever sink to.

I also find the whole “he didn’t handle pressure well” logic completely disengenouos. I mean how does that even significantly relate to his job? Didn’t think being a SC justice was some sort of a high stress, pressure cooker type of position. Must be really bad for the heart for all them other older SC justices amirite? No offense, but I feel like Dems just like to say that since that’s what they were told to think. I mean it literally makes no sense to me. And let’s be honest here, whatever other reaction or lack thereof he would have had would have just been spun by the media and put in the same negative light in one form or another.

As for partisanship, you might have a point. I mean, if he wasn’t partisan BEFORE, he sure as hell has a damn good reason to be NOW, don’t you think? Personally, if the Dems argued this angle instead of the unprovable unsupported sexual misconduct allegations, they might have still have failed to stop the confirmation but at least the negative perceptions would have landed squarely on the Repub’s laps and they would have avoided polarizing opinions on the issue.

I do not see how you came to the conclusion that I said accusation = quilt.  Is this something you are inferring from the text I wrote, if so I I am not sure where you came to that conclusion as I stated I have not clue if he is guilty or not.  Nor did I state this was something I was looking at.

Not sure what your experience is but I happen to work in a highly stressful job.  From my experience, nothing shows the character of a person then how they handle stress.  I found his character lacking, pretty much my opinion just like you believe he was beyond reproach because he was being attacked.  Also, who said I was a Dem, I am neither Dem nor Republican but I also notice that getting that label out makes people feel warm and fuzzy inside.  It's always funny how people show their side just because someone doesn't approve of someone within a particular party.  It's as if you have this hive mentality that if you dislike the President you must be a Dem or liberal etc.  You also are another person who only think based on what you feel the media will do.  

As for partisanship, I really do not care what he is.  It really does not matter what the Dems argued over if that was the case because at the end of the day, what could they do about it.  Would it have changed one Republican vote and once he is confirmed will people even remember his confirmation when he makes decisions.  He is there for life and for Republican base, that is all that matter.  We won, Dems lost.  People memory on such things are thin and fickle.