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pokoko said:

Well, Radiant was kind of interesting, huh? Luffy wants to hurry up and get his Grimoire so the can join Fairy Tale but then a Hollow shows up and Luffy is thankfully saved by All Might.  Right up Super Boom's alley.  

The smorgasbord of cliches aside, it did make me laugh a few times and the main character seems likeable enough. He's better than Natsu or the guy from Black Clover, anyway. Main girl looks kind of cute and the Seven Warlords, Shinigami, and Dark Guilds in the OP have my attention. Only thing that really bugged me was how stupid everyone was.

This sounds like the best type of anime.

Unfortunately I've reached my shounen saturation limit. Yeah apparently I have one. I might give it a look-see down the line.

On that note, decided against watching this Fairy Tail season, partly cuz of my joke reason above, partly cuz I've never actually watched most of the anime, despite enjoying the manga for the most part. Might binge the anime at some point, but with the manga getting a sequel, three spin-offs, and the author writing a new manga with characters that look identical to the FT cast...I feel like I'll probably manage just fine.

Anyways, I tried out the new SAO, despite me being kinda down on that IP. Seems like this arc in the LN gets a lot of praise...though I still find the MC bland as hell. That new blonde girl in the ED though..woo. I'll watch it for a while and see if I get bored. 

I think that mostly fills in my season...we'll see what airs this week and I'll know for sure.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334