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Mordred11 said:

Golden Wind is widely regarded as the best JoJo story there is. Having read the manga myself, I'm inclined to agree and I really liked that first episode, it sets the proper tone and atmosphere I was expecting from this.

Oh wow, good to hear. I'm pretty excited for this arc, I only know about it from that PS4 game where Jotaro has to save all the Jojos. For some reason I assumed Giorno was a gentleman like Jonathan, so that first episode caught me off guard. Also like past Jojos, I like how elements from previous arcs are returning, makes the story feel more connected even if they star new MCs.


I tried a few more seasonal anime this morning. 

Boarding School Juliet: Someone once described this manga to me as a Reverse Nisekoi, which was a weird thing to claim since Nisekoi itself was a reverse Romeo and Juliet story. I guess that means this show need to do some math quick to figure this one out.

Anyways, I can already tell this will probably be one of my favorites this season. I love the fighting MCs, and they seem to have great chemistry so far. I was grinning like a madman during the whole fight at the end, it was so adorable.

Only reservation I have is that the promos make this anime look like a harem. I can tolerate that in general...but honestly, throwing more girls at the MC when he's already in an established relationship has always felt obnoxious more than funny. Part of why I could never get into the later Sword Art Online arcs. Hopefully that's not the case here.

Goblin Slayer: Well that sure escalated quickly.

That was really brutal and sad...but also kind of interesting too. Seems like a more dark and unique take on the RPG-type fantasy world setting. Not much else to say yet, I'll keep up with it for now. If it gets too much I'll turn tail and run away without shame.

Zombieland Saga: Holy crap that was amazing. I can't remember the last time I've seen an anime as a unique as this one. It had me laughing multiple times throughout, and I already want to watch more. 

Also I guess Angels of Death is back already. That twist Not sure what to make of it yet. That cliffhanger was kinda dumb though...with three episodes left I really doubt the other main character is gonna die already


Finally, good news! Yuru Camp is coming back!

*shameless steals from Mike*

Looking forward to this for sure.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334