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Fall season begins!

So far I've just started Jojo: Golden Wind and Hinomaru Zumou.

The new Jojo MC seems interesting so far. I was already aware of his parentage, and was curious if he would be like more like Jonathan or DIO. He seems pretty different from both so far, having a noble thief for an MC should make for an interesting story. Powers are still crazy and over-the-top, both Giorno and that guy with Kyousuke's voice.

Also he's only 15? Well I guess that shouldn't surprise after Jotaro in Part 3.

I mentioned Hinomaru Zumou in here a few months ago after catching up on the manga. The manga is pretty fun, it follows the usual shounen sports cliches, but it's pretty informative too. It's interesting to see how average Japanese high schoolers feel about sumo wrestling, which is basically treated as something old-fashioned and uncool. I guess in the west that'd be the equivalent maybe just wrestling I guess. The sport is more than just fat boys pushing each other, even if the manga exaggerates fights a lot with power-ups and technique names and stuff.

On the anime though, the first episode changes the order of things, but overall it was pretty good I thought. Maybe I just had low expectations since the studio isn't well known, and it doesn't seem to feature any big voice actors. Also curious how long this will go, the OP and ED are teasing characters that don't show up until ~chapter 100 or so, and the first episode adapts...the first chapter. Wonder if we're just gonna go light-speed through all the early tournaments...uh I hope this doesn't suck.

Also, probably not a huge deal since shipping doesn't matter in this story till much later...but it seems like the anime is making glasses girl a bigger deal than she really is. She's not a bad character or anything, but I really hope she doesn't take time away from Reina, the blondie from the OP. 

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334