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Soriku said:
hunter_alien said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
darthdevidem01 said:
PSP is slowly taking over SW wise now....after the HW takeover.

We have never seen anything like this before

That's the most generic and ironic statement I've ever read for a slight turnaround for a console in Japan and a decent couple of months for software sales. Lets not blow these footnotes out of proportion because we're bored. False and over-exaggerated excitement make me physically ill.

Grr, I mean, "We have never seen anything like this before" where have you been bro? Didn't the Wii do this to the american market, or the DS do it before the PSP, or the PS2 before that? Haven't seen seen something as good, equal, better, or the exact same as this small fluctuation every week for the last 10 freakin' years?

How in gods name did you come up with "We have never seen anything like this before" tell me please. Were you just typing and that's what came out, or what? It's like something I would type on a term paper, for filler, but it's so bad that I would have to re-write it.


I HAVE to know the motivation behind that sentence. Explain it to me. How did its formation come about? How did it form in your head before you wrote it. Tell me, I'm genuinely asking, please, I have to know. It's more frusterating than "If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college."


You are misunderstanding a lot lately ... he meant during the lifecycle of a system . The DS didnt do nothing similar , it was a hit from the first day , yes , if you compare them to their predecesessor they are full blown successe , I agree . Same is with the Wii . What is impressive about the PSP is the fact that it was considered by many to be almost dead , and then , in the middle of its lifecycle it just exploded in Japan . The closest comparison for this is the N64 , but even that only managed to get decent sales , afther the Saturn got out of the game , and the DC entered ;)

The PSP exploded in Japan because it had a new model plus the new MH came out. Now that MH sales are waning, so are PSP sales. Not by A LOT, but it's still waning every week.


So is every other system in Japan ...


Oyvoyvoyv : There was a MHF game released in the same timeframe last year , so yeah , there was an actual 2x growth ...


Oh , and



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