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Final-Fan said:
EricHiggin said: 

Coughing typically isn't a one time deal, along with chatter, etc, so it's quite possible it could be part of it. To assume it's all only laughter is like assuming the ocean is nothing but water when looking and listening from a distance, which is what you would think initially. There's much else going on in that water though. I said it could be all of the above.

Well the media made it clear Trump was being laughed at and not the media, so they either wouldn't know or they would be covering that up by making a case against Trump. The fact that I and a few of my friends thought it was about the media, which was before we had heard anything else other than the initial articles saying it was Trump, shows that some of the UN may have thought the same thing. Other friends have stated they believe the media's view is correct. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, maybe it's both.

I don't think he went off script. He could have since he does sometimes, so like I've said a few times here, there's a bunch of possibilities, but his head and eye movements and body language say to me he's reading and then speaking, even during his "America's so true" point. There could have been some laughter before that as well yes. So are you saying that Trump may have gone off script in reaction to the laughter? It's hard to believe if that's the case, that he wasn't looking for more laughs, and by saying what he said, he sure got that.

1.  Please go back to the clip of the speech.  It's almost dead silence (the coughs you mentioned being a notable exception that simply highlights how quiet it otherwise is) until the key point where the audience reacts to what he is saying.  I'm not saying it's nothing but laughter but I'm saying it's clearly a reaction to what he is saying, which includes the laughter. 

2.  You didn't answer this. 

3.  (my interpretation) you didn't answer this. 

4.  (off script) Yes, I think that he went off script.  By my interpretation, Trump managed to turn "laughing at" into "laughing with", which I think everyone would agree is a positive for him. 

This is more or less how I suspect it went down:  He gave the line "In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than ... almost any administration ... in the history of our country."  His next line was going to be "America's economy is booming like never before", but as he was beginning that sentence he noticed that the crowd was reacting to his previous statement, and said "So true" to reinforce the point he had made (cutting off his own sentence, creating the "America's so true" line).  This caused even greater audience reaction (which includes obvious laughter by this point if not sooner) and he rolled with it and got some more laughs.  You'll notice that when he said "Didn't expect that reaction, but that's okay" the laughter increased by a huge amount and he even got some applause. So going back to point 3, do you think that's an unrealistic interpretation, or do you think that although it's plausible your interpretation is even more likely?  Or as a third possibility, now that I've laid it all out like that do you think what I just described is more likely after all? 

My interpretation, I did answer, your just not reading or understanding what I'm saying, even after rephrasing some of what I've said prior, or you don't like my answer and are deflecting.

If you think one of the options is more plausible, then that's your opinion and that's fine. All of the above is possible so take your pick. We're not going to completely agree based on where we started, because there is no way for either of us to know exactly how everything came together, and there are too many variables to narrow it down to one indisputable outcome.