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Final-Fan said:

I hardly have a lot of knowledge about U.N. bigwigs but I'm imagining that although a lot of them speak English to some extent, they would get a better understanding of complicated speeches by listening to a professional translator.  But I could be wrong; do you have evidence that most delegates listen to English speeches with their own skills?  Either way, we could debate all day about Trump's mannerisms but I would like to keep this as concrete as possible given the subject matter. 

[edit:  So, let's put this in two broad categories:  one, the audio cues; and two, what Trump actually said that is under discussion.  If you really want to get into Trump's teleprompter habits and the rest of what you mentioned similar to that, let me know and we can make that three. 

[1.  I listened very carefully and I don't think the coughs that are audible like 30 seconds prior have anything to do with anything.  They are isolated noises and did not continue.  I do hear a pickup of noise at about the time he is saying "in the history of our country".  I am extremely skeptical that this is a total coincidence when he just happens to be saying "In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than ... almost any administration ... in the history of our country.  America's ... so true."  In my opinion you can distinctly hear it in the pause between "country" and "America" and NOT in the two preceding pauses.  If you disagree, let me know, with any specifics you can—and if you agree, please also let me know.  If the noise precedes "America's ... so true", do you think it's a total coincidence and it's not the beginning of the laughter you hear later?  If so, please elaborate.  If they are laughing, then clearly they are laughing at something other than (in addition to) "America's ... so true". 

[2.]  Do you think "America's so true" was intended as a distinct statement, or do you think he said "America's", then broke off from what he was about to say and instead said "So true" as a different statement?  If you think it was a single statement, do you have an idea in your head as to what it actually means?  In other words, what's the joke?  Secondly, when he said "Didn't expect that reaction", do you think he was being facetious as part of the joke (i.e. he was expecting it, but was pretending he didn't as part of the joke)?  If so, what part did that play in the joke?  If not, why did he later say he was aiming to get laughter with what he said? 

See, part of the reason I don't see it as a joke as you do is that I don't know what the joke would even be.  There are people all too eager to say, "Trump is the joke", but that's missing the point. 

It's either one of two things the way I see it. Could be either, maybe both, who knows, but I figured the second option.

Either some of the UN members think Trump is a dummy and laughed at his boasting and statement of "America's so true" because they think Trump is full of it. Not only would this be quite rude at a big event like that, but to see Trump brush it off and go on with his speech no problem, says to me it didn't seem like an attack on him anyway.


Trump said it just because it was in the speech and he likes to poke here and there and didn't expect anyone to catch on, or he figured people would catch on that he's basically saying American news is fake news, which would make his statement of "America's so true" so funny, since it's him always pushing the fake news narrative. Trump is constantly put down by the media about how the economy isn't great, or it is but it's all because of Obama. I don't see it being coincidence Trump boasting about exactly that immediately after his "so true" statement.