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I'm way behind because of Hurricane Florence so I ended up watching two episodes of High Score Girl back to back.  If I had any reservations before about it being the anime of the season, they're all gone now.  It's just so good and one of the best anime of the year.

It's kind of amazing how they'll have an episode that focuses on Ohno and it makes me think how awesome she is, then they'll have an episode that focuses on Hidaka and it makes me think how awesome she is.  These aren't people just floating through life, they're kids who are growing up and moving in their own directions.  Nothing is forced or overly cliched.  

Hidaka is just a wonderful character, though.  She's the "good girl" but that's just a starting point.  After not seeing the main character for a while, the way she absolutely OWNS him at arcade games was SO GREAT!  It's such an interesting dynamic.  The former button-mashing girl hits a Perfect on the cocky gamer right off the bat.  Could she possibly be on the same level as her rival?  The end of episode 10 made me squeal in anticipation.

Really interesting to see the main character throw his support behind the Sega Saturn.  Hidaka, being the smart girl that she is, rides with Playstation.