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Machiavellian said:

So your expectations from your leader is that when put in a high pressure job that he will act like a victim and his way of dealing with it is to lie about everything.  Ok, we do not need to go down this route anymore.  I perfectly understand what your expectations are.

Here is the thing about your second point, I am not talking about anyone else.  I am not talking about the left, the right or the middle because I do not care about those labels.  I feel they are just labels put on a group so you can group them together and paint them with a broad stroke.  What I see is people and individual action. So to answer your question, yes people can be bad no matter what side they support but at the end of the day, I am only talking about one individual. 

My beef against Trump as I have stated many times is that I believe he is a con man.  Before the election I did a lot of research on Trump because I had no clue about him until he ran for president.  From that research, the only thing I could find about him was just another corrupt businessman.  During that time and now, he has done exactly what he has done before being president.  He has an uncanny ability to be totally ignorant on things and do not take any time to prepare or understand complex issues. He uses people and will lie to get what he wants which has been evident before he became president.  He will tell any group or people what they want to hear but he stands for nothing.  Trump is a 2 edge sword.  Since he stands for nothing, as long as you give him what he wants he will give you the time of day.  The only problem is that since he stands for nothing, he is easily swayed by the winds of opinion and greed.  I

So no, I will not look the other way when someone continues to BS me all the time.  If I cannot trust their word then I cannot trust their actions.  Lets just leave it at that.

Now if you want to get back on topic then let's talk about Manafort plea deal.  Are you going to dismiss his plea deal as nothing.  I do not remember what your stance was on Cohen going down but what is your stance on both Cohen and Manafort plea deals.

My expectation is to take everything necessary into account to come to the most proper conclusion. My leader? I made it clear before I'm not specifically on Trump's side, but I was based on the initial remarks, which really don't have much to do with what's been brought up since, yet you've decided regardless I'm in his pocket. What happened to being objective? I think I know where you stand, but it seems clear you don't know where I do.

The problem with your second point, about my second point, is that you can't only take Trump himself into consideration. That would mean at best it's Trump vs you, which immediately creates a massive bias. You have to take other people into account, and much more, to know for sure whether Trump is a liar or anything else for that matter. Labels are necessary to make sure we are of the same understanding, but the more broad those labels are the more generalized they become, so they aren't as useful, I can agree with that.

As for your beef with Trump, which doesn't sound all the open minded, that's your own choice. If you've decided based on what info you could get about him, that he's a bad person, that's you own opinion. From what I've seen it's clear there's a majority with the power the media have, to spread what they 'know' about Trump, which makes it seem very one sided, but I've also been personally told about people who apparently are terrible, yet actually ended up working with a few of them over the years ironically, and while they were rough around the edges, they were decent people overall once you got to really know them.

As I recall, we never talked about Manafort or Cohen, only Stormy, which was kind of the point for me because I didn't really have anything to add about the other two. They seem guilty of the charges they plead guilty to, or potentially even worse since they went down without that much of a fight, so who knows what else they may be hiding potentially. Which is probably why Mueller wants their cooperation when he feels he requires it. Maybe the plea deal was that good that it was worth it for them to just back down and accept it, I dunno, but it got pretty quiet pretty quickly, so I can only assume they both have accepted their current position.